How to Exercise Effortlessly at Home?

By Orthopaedics and Spinal Surgery Team of Minhang Hospital Affiliated to Fudan University

You can only stay at home and lie on the bed due to COVID-19. You may feel deep inside your heart that you should do exercise, but you are afraid of being tired. Let’s try “home workouts”~

Different movements are graded in difficulties. Either the elderly or the young, the lazy people or the athletic people, can find one suitable for themselves.

Good home workouts has the following three characteristics

1. Less space occupation and light movement

Most families have limited space, so the movements should not be too wild. Considering the general indoor air quality, and the neighborhood harmony as well, it is better not to do high-intensity aerobic exercise.

2. No need of too much equipment

Ordinary people have limited fitness equipment at home, so this workout does not require much equipment, and can even be done on bed.

3. Suitable for all ages

Since the whole family needs to stay at home, it is necessary to do exercise. This set of exercises is set with all levels of difficulty, and the whole family can find what is right for them.

This set of exercises is suitable for the whole family

This set of movements mainly exercises the strength of the core muscle groups, including low back muscles, abdominal muscles and comprehensive exercises. Different movements have been graded in difficulty. See the difficulty level you can achieve.

(The orthopedic doctors of Central Hospital of Minhang District, Shanghai demonstrate the movements in person during such special period)

Low back muscles (all the initial movement is prone position on bed, exercise 3 times a day, 5 to 10 sessions each time):

Level 1:

Suitable for the elderly and the person with poor health

Keep prone position, straighten and lift one leg backward, hold on for about 5 seconds after lifting, slowly lower it, and vice versa.

Level 2:

Suitable for the young who are a little lazy and don’t exercise much

Keep prone position, stretch out hands backward, keep head, chest and legs away from the bed at the same time (that is, the traditional “superman”), hold on for about 5 seconds, and slowly lower them

Level 3:

Suitable for bodybuilders with adequate exercise

Keep prone position, straighten hands forward, keep head, chest and legs away from the bed at the same time, hold on for about 5 seconds, and slowly lower them

Abdominal muscles (exercise 3 times a day, 5 to 10 sessions each time):

Upper abdominal muscles:

Crunch: There is no difficulty level, do it within your capability

Keep supine position, bend knees, and spread legs as wide as the shoulder. Do crunches, and stretch hands forward and slide them from the front of your thighs to your knees. Hold on for about 5 seconds, and then slowly lower them to the supine position.

Heel touch on the side: There is no difficulty level, do it within your capability

Keep supine position, bend knees, and spread legs as wide as the shoulder. Do crunches, and touch the heel on the same side with hands alternately at the same time.

Side leg raises: There is no difficulty level, do it within your capability

Keep supine position, straighten and lift the leg to the side, hold on for about 5 seconds, and slowly lower it.

Lower abdominal muscles (exercise 3 times a day, 5 to 10 sessions each time):

Level 0: suitable for all

Keep supine position, alternately stretch and bend the legs with no need to leave the bed

Level 1: Suitable for the elderly and people who are lazy to move

Keep supine position, and do bicycle crunches for 20 times

Level 2: suitable for the young who are a little lazy

Keep supine position, straighten and raise legs alternately, and keep the other leg not leaving the bed. Lift for 5 seconds and slowly lower it.

Level 3: suitable for bodybuilders, and even masters who can complete the Ab Shredder

Keep supine position, straighten and raise legs alternately, and keep the other leg away from the bed all the time during the process. Hold it raised for 5 seconds.

Comprehensive exercise:

(All the initial movement is supine position on bed; bend knees, and put feet on the bed; exercise 3 times a day, 5 to 10 sessions each time):

Level 1:

Suitable for the elderly or the people with weak low back strength and heavy weight burden

Slowly lift your hips off the bed, support your body with back and feet, hold on for 5 seconds, and slowly lower them.

Level 2:

Suitable for young and middle-aged people who exercise a little at ordinary times but have occasional low back pain due to sedentary office

Slowly lift your hips off the bed, support your body with head, shoulders and feet (five support points), hold on for 5 seconds, and slowly lower them;

Level 3:

Suitable for super star of body building who have strong core strength of Abs and back and are already proficient in Level 2 exercise. Note that the movement needs to be done step by step to avoid damaging the cervical spine

Slowly lift your hips off the bed, support your body with head and feet (three support points), hold on for 5 seconds, and slowly lower them;

After the exercise, you or your family can massage each other. It's better to take a hot bath before going to bed to avoid muscle lactate accumulation leading to backache.


For those who currently suffer the attack of lumbar disc herniation, such as the period of severe low back pain and leg pain, it is recommended to lie down and rest first, and then gradually do lumbar healthy exercises after the pain is relieved.

Last Updated On 2021-09-16